Thursday, February 4, 2010

ask and it shall be given unto u

for those in faith...

we all know that , all we need to do is ask our Maker and he shall provide us. Very often we are let down... and the only satisfying answer we ever sought is... "not worthy of it"... but man has this deliberate mind which satisfies with some equivalent blessing which actually is a trillion worthwhile than what we ask for , but not even close to what we coveted for...

Christianity says nothing but , pray for anything and everything , at anytime ... all u need to do is ask... well while asking for yourself , conditions do apply , but there is one leverage when praying for someone else , despite the conditions , there is a free entry level gift for all... peace of mind...

forget religion... try it once... shut ur thoughts for a moment , and think well about others... think in the depths of your heart ... you would notice a never experienced calm in your mind... a feeling which defines ecstasy... a point at which ur entire body feels weightless... a point at which u realize , ur self existence alone is nothing but a co existence is every mans purpose and right in this world...

true , we may doubt our desirable wanting during our prayers , but its always a truth and belief , when we do or think good for someone it happens and we have been witness many times , especially our enemies... but imagine if you are in a critical situation , a situation with another individual who faces a situation which forces u to want to see them in a better position ... a position despite the problem haunting them... and u r forced with or without ur consent to pray for them... and u get an insight as a solution to their problem... what would u do... would u just say it out... or would u subdue your self to your doubts...

we have made our minds so complex enough that we can never determine anything for ourselves... nor can we even decide something for the help less... we have pushed ourselves away ... far away from the divine powers that we have no clue if what we do is even what we are meant to do...

some people even fear that if we pray good for others , the good within us leave... no one can even measure the good or evil in anyone... look into every day of each ones life , you would notice one thing... the more u attribute urself to others welfare , the very first symptom u notice is the peace , the real meaning of peace is filled in our hearts... you may even be able to throw away all further adversities , coz u did something good for someone...

its always better to do something good for others than to perish away stuffing stress onto ones own life...

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