Wednesday, June 29, 2011


the saber within inches towards my heart

the moment lets me know its close

writhing in pain a stab could surpass

feeble , that fear would hide his face

sunken , the highlands may be in shame

lost , even the maps could sulk at me

faithless , the Gods would rinse their hands

coward , the devil would scoff at me

worthless , the blood holds me a burden

if not for a purpose

what was I.

If Only

These damned years ,
Moments precisely shrouded ,
Faintest clues evaded ,
Glories just a sham ,
If Only...

Those elusive sights,
Sounds that deafened,
Steps a failure,
Passions a fancy,
If Only...

Heavenly blood failed,
Human blood failed,
Devil's blood failed,
Divinity Failed,
If Only...

Talents never prevailed,
Devils wand ruled,
Foes most appealed,
Thoughts shunned,
If Only , I was a MAN.